Accommodation - Zimmer B&B » Accommodations in Galilee Heights
B&B in ein alasad, Upper galilee
B&B in amirim, Galilee heights
From 850 NIS
for a couple/night
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
From 500 NIS
for a couple/night
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
From 500 NIS
for a couple/night
From 850 NIS
for a couple/night
From 750 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in shefer, Galilee heights
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in dovev, Galilee heights
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
From 750 NIS
for a couple/night
From 500 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in kerem benzimra, Galilee heights
B&B in dovev, Galilee heights
From 650 NIS
for a couple/night
From 850 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in kefar hoshen, Galilee heights
From 700 NIS
for a couple/night
From 800 NIS
for a couple/night
From 700 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in hazon, Galilee heights
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in goren, Western galille
From 650 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in meiron, Meron mountain
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
From 700 NIS
for a couple/night
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in shezor Moshav, Galilee heights
B&B in amirim, Galilee heights
From 900 NIS
for a couple/night
From 700 NIS
for a couple/night
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
From 600 NIS
for a couple/night
B&B in tefahot, Galilee heights
B&B in ein alasad, Upper galilee
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