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Raiser RZR trips in the valley

About Us
In a nutshell

Trips in RZR vehicles in the Jezreel Valley and Gilboa, special routes with breathtaking views.
A variety of routes of one, two and three hours.
Sunset routes every day from 17:00 to 19:00.
Self-driving vehicles. (driver's license required). Up to 4 passengers in a car.

(By Google translate))
Raiser trips in the Jezreel Valley and the Gilboa Mountains, special routes with breathtaking views, fun days
and training days, workers' councils and organizations.
A selection of routes from one to three hours, sunset routes and more.
Razer self-driving vehicles 2-4 passengers in the vehicle.
Valid driver's license - mandatory.
The summer route for families!
A perfect route for families with a spectacular view and lots of water and green in the eyes!
A self-driving ranger route that lasts about an hour and a half.
with a stop at two water points. Departure from the meeting point to the Jezreel Valley to the open areas.
We will pass by the almond trees and the olive groves. From there we will continue along the paths of the Jezreel Valley to Ein Jezreel where we will stop for a light refreshment.
After that we will continue the trip next to Nahal Harod, we will cross it at a water crossing and from there we will continue to the foot of the Gilboa to the Gideon spring and stop for refreshment next to the Harod spring and continue our journey back to the starting point.
*The trip is for children from the age of 3.
Easy Rider Valley of the Springs - an hour and a quarter route
We will open the activity with a short tutorial, getting to know the Easy Rider vehicle, wearing a helmet and trying it on. After the introductions, we will go for a practice ride on the Rider on easy paths near Beit Alfa, on the way we will explain about the area, from there we will continue on the paths to Nahal Hasi in Nir David, we will make a rest stop at the most magical and beautiful spot in the valley The springs (Nahal Hassi) you can enter the water for 10 minutes to refresh yourself, and take stunning photos.
We will continue the trip to the orchards and agricultural fields in the area, where we will enrich the knowledge with explanations about the crops of the field. Then we will ride to the "Japanese Garden"
The unique combination in the world of a Japanese garden with a variety of trees from the Land of Israel, a fish pond with koi fish
and many elements of Japanese culture
On the way we will see the botanical garden
We will end the experience with a light and pastoral ride next to a spectacular view reflected from all sides.
Easy Rider Valley of the Springs, a track with lots of love!
** Driving from the age of 16


In & Around
Things to know
כל השבוע בשעות 08:00 - 19:00

כל השבוע בשעות 08:00 - 19:00

Parking: void
in-advance only booking
Open on Saturday
Accessible for wheelchairs
Adult price: 160 NIS
Child price: 160 NIS
Group price comments: המחיר לאדם. מינימום 4 נוסעים ברכב.
קופון ההנחה הוא לרכב עם מינימום 4 נוסעים.


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