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Neve Zohar accommodation

About Us
In a nutshell

Available units: 10
Type of units: Double, for families, Suites
Keywords: For families , For couples , Religious , Romantic rooms , Dayuse , Bike Friendly B&B

From Single and doublerooms up to rooms for families 7beds.cozy accommodation clean and comfortable. The units are located in the Dead Sea settlement of Neve Zohar the only village on the beach of the dead sea.

Neve Zoharaccommodation-tourismservices

From Single and doublerooms uptoroomsfor families7beds.cozy accommodationcleanandcomfortable. The unitsare located inthe Dead Seasettlementof NeveZoharthe only village on the beach of the dead sea.

What'sin the rooms?
Air conditioning,kettle, microwave and refrigerator, coffee and tea.
Satellite TVyes, available at100stations
Free wirelessinternet surfing.
Toilet and showerin each room.
Barbecueterraceinvitesgueststo sitat the end ofthe day.
Breakfast and dinnercould be order by appointment.
2 minutes from us you find agasstationthere isaconvenience store24-hour.
We recommend thatpriortotheKniotichmdue tothe expensive pricesofthe shopsin thehotels.
EveryweekexceptSaturdaytherepublic transportationtoareahotels, beachesandshopping, there isalsoa taxi service.
Massage treatments are availableby appointmentin your roomorata nearbyhotel.
Activities:children's playground, ATV, jeep tours, hiking, hospitalityBedouin encampment, toursofgreenhousesandfarmsin theprairieTowers& the artist by appointment.
You can getthe following serviceshere: Currency Exchange, photocopyingservice, faxing, ironing clothes, car rental, reservationsalternative treatments, orderingATVjeep toursand more.

A 5-minute drive from the village ofNeve Zohar, EinBokekshopping centerand hotelof the Dead Seaandbeachesarrangedfree(except forpaid parkingPlease notestoresolegally).
Quarter-hour drive fromMasada Nationalandtwenty-five minutesfrom EinGedi.

hamezohar-beautiful beachin the southern partofthe Dead Seahotel area. Turn rightfrom Highway90south of the hotelentranceand follow the signsand driveabout 700metersuntil you reachthe beach.
Thisbeachadjacent tothe beachhasseparatereligious!
EinBokekbeach-open to the publicbeachareain EinBokekhotels.
EinGedibeach-a 25-minute drive.

South ofthe communitywill find themagicalmarlhillswhere you candiscoverthe wonders ofnaturein the streamsthat crossthem. Just minutes awayyou will find thesaltevaporation pondsandagriculturalfieldsaroundthesquareproperEin TamarandwildSabhaandhiddenspringsandrichwildlife. There arehiking trailsfor all ages. In addition, the fishtrail, riverandplainAmiazdraft. MountSodom andFlour Cave, beautiful scenery of theevaporation ponds, mountains of Moabandthe entire areawithin a 15minute driveto anywhere.

Directions to NeveZohar:

fromArad -onceat the end ofthe fallshasa right turn to eilat do not take iy, continuestraightanothermilefurtherturnrightthere isthe settlementof Neve Zohar.
from Jerusalem pass the EinBokekhotelsandcontinue straight(do not turn left) onlyat the third turningNeve Zoharsee a signthenturn.

Take a dipin the Dead Sea, or take a walkin the wildvariety ofhiking trailsin the Judean DesertandArava.
When availableat a discounted priceat theoutdoor swimming pool at the hotel.

Check in time from14:30 Check out time until 11:00

* You canalso make astopoverof a fewhoursof restandrefreshingluxuriouswayto and from Eilat.
You canbook with usfun daysinthe hotelat the Dead Sea.

Neve Zoharisthe only villagelocated on the shoresof the Dead Sea.
We emphasizeguest roomsare locatedin NeveZoharamongresidents' homes
, somewithbalconiessharedhouses andotherguestrooms. This is also thebeauty of itas it hasprivateroomsbut if you wantto meetguestsand culturesfrom around the worldthis is the place.

Dead Searooms is niceinteresting andwonderfulway tobecome familiar with theuniquenatural wonderknown asthe Dead Sea. Anyone who thinksthe"Dead Sea rooms" as avacationoption, choosethe correct choicethat offersthebestof all worlds. Howexactlywe offer thebest of allworlds?Firstlyouraccommodationoffers thepossibilityto spendthe Dead Seaitselftoa variety ofwell-knownadvantages andvirtues. In addition, theresortalso offersthe possibility ofother, morerural, more relaxedareawhich isa great environmentfor restand relaxation. The Dead Sea isthe main reason forthe benefits ofaccommodationin the area. Qualitiesof the Dead Seaknownamongpeople livingin the area forhundreds if notthousands of years. Placehas always beenthe focus oftourismto thosewho were looking forthesoothingandtherapeuticpropertiesof the Dead Sea. The area offersa wide variety ofhiking trails, some of themverywell known. Dead Sealandscapevery specialaddition to a widearea attractionssuch asjeep tours, ATVtoursand a variety ofhiking trailsfor all levelsandall ages.


Thanks for choosing as and we will do our best to make you happy.


Facilities and amenities

Couples & Families
Guest rooms
• Seating areas in the yard
• Cable/satellite TV
• Kitchenette
• Shower
• Terrace
• Fridge
• Microwave
• Private toilet
• Manual therapy in the room
• playground
• Meals by order
• Rich breakfast

Room type: Double
Available: 1

From : 300 NIS 
✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples only
✔ A/C
✔ A/C
יחידות אופיר - יחידת אירוח לזוגות * מיטה זוגית נוחה.או נפרדות בהתאם לרצונכם * טלוויזיה. * פינת ישיבה. * מטבחון. * חדר רחצה.
שי - משפחתי
Room type: for families
Available: 1

From : 500 NIS 
יחידה משפחתית שי - עד 5 אנשים ביחידות נעמה ודביר אריאל המשפחתיות: * מיטה זוגית נוחה. * טלוויזיה. * סלון מרווח. * מטבח מאובזר. * פינת אוכל. * חדר רחצה. * מיזוג אוויר. * 3 מיטות נוספות
נעמה - משפחתית
Room type: Suites
Available: 1

From : 500 NIS 
✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples & Families
✔ A/C
✔ A/C
סוויטת נעמה- עד 5 אנשים בסוויטה * מיטה זוגית נוחה. * טלוויזיה. * סלון מרווח. * מטבח מאובזר. * פינת אוכל. * חדר רחצה. * מיזוג אוויר. * 3 מיטות נוספות
Room type: Double
Available: 1

✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples only
✔ A/C
✔ A/C
יחידות אופיר - יחידת אירוח לזוגות * מיטה זוגית נוחה.או נפרדות בהתאם לרצונכם * טלוויזיה. * פינת ישיבה. * מטבחון. * חדר רחצה.
Room type: Double
Available: 1

✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples only
✔ A/C
✔ A/C
יחידות אופיר - יחידת אירוח לזוגות * מיטה זוגית נוחה.או נפרדות בהתאם לרצונכם * טלוויזיה. * פינת ישיבה. * מטבחון. * חדר רחצה.
דביר אריאל
Room type: Suites
Available: 1

✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples & Families
✔ A/C
✔ A/C
סוויטת נעמה- עד 5 אנשים בסוויטה * מיטה זוגית נוחה. * טלוויזיה. * סלון מרווח. * מטבח מאובזר. * פינת אוכל. * חדר רחצה. * מיזוג אוויר. * 3 מיטות נוספות

Room Name Weekdays Weekend
1 night, from400 NIS
2 nights, from:400 NIS
1 night, from: 450 NIS
2 nights, from:450 NIS
שי - משפחתי

נעמה - משפחתית



דביר אריאל

Room Name Weekdays Weekend
1 nights, from: 300 NIS
2 nights, from:600 NIS
1 nights, from: 400 NIS
2 nights, from:800 NIS
שי - משפחתי
1 nights, from: 500 NIS
2 nights, from:1000 NIS
1 nights, from: 750 NIS
2 nights, from:1500 NIS
נעמה - משפחתית
1 nights, from: 500 NIS
2 nights, from:1000 NIS
1 nights, from: 750 NIS
2 nights, from:1500 NIS


דביר אריאל

Things to know
Check-in time: 14:30:00
Check-out time: 11:00
Check-out time on Saturday: בתיאום
Breakfast: יש
Payment methods: Cash  

Check-in time: 14:30:00
Check-out time: 11:00
Check-out time on Saturday: בתיאום
Breakfast: יש
Payment methods: Cash  


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star star star star star
משתדלים מאוד ללקוחות
אני לא פגשתי גישה קשובה כל כך
נינל מלנקוביצי, 29/4/2021
נווה מדבר
star star star star star
הגענו לנווה זוהר וחיכתה לנו לנו שרון עם חיוך משגע אנרגיות טובות וכך היה כל הסופש. דאגה לנו לכל מה שהיינו צריכים. החדר מקסים, נקי ויש בו כל מה שצריך. 5 דק הליכה מתחנת האוטובוס ומהחוף של נווה זוהר- לא מוכרז. לחופים מוכרזים אפשר ללכת ברגל עד שמגיעים לטיילת. הרגשנו בבית ונשמח לחזור.
דנה וגמן, 15/3/2021
מומלץ מאוד
star star star star star
צימר מרטיני בנווה זוהר מומלץ מאוד, 5 כוכבים, ניקיון, סדר, בעלת הצימר מדהימה.
אילה מטילדה, 8/11/2020
All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Things to do nearby
Frequently Asked Questions about Neve Zohar accommodation
Yes, there is a synagogue nearby.
Restaurants and cafes can be found at gas stations and nearby towns, a short drive away. To view the list of restaurants and cafes in the area, please click here.
Yes, read the verified reviews of previous visitors in the B&B.
Within a short drive of the B&B you will find a variety of attractions, trek routes and hiking and car trails. To view the list of attractions in the area, please click here.
Information changes from time to time. To view available rooms for the coming weekend, including prices and benefits, please check the availability of the rooms now.
Prices vary depending on the season, room type and number of guests. For the full price list and exact prices for you, please view the room price list.
There is free Wi-Fi for our guests.