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Kibbutz Alumim BBs

About Us
In a nutshell

Available units: 22
Type of units: Couples and Families
Keywords: For families , For couples , Religious , Romantic rooms , Kibbutz Lodging , Pet Accepted , For groups , Dayuse , Shomer Shabbat , Suitable for Parties , Gay friendly , Swimming Pool

Kibbutz Alumim issituated in the north westernNegev.Guest Rooms:operating throughout the year in a modern religious family oriented environment.

Our guest rooms are located in "Kibbutz Alumim" in the northern Negev of Israel.

The kibbutz was established in 1966 by the "Bnei Akiva" movement and belongs to the religious kibbutz movement.

The kibbutz leads a religious lifestyle and contain about 100 families.

The kibbutz is based on extensive agriculture, industry and tourism.

Gadash Alumim exists in the kibbutz and spreads over 25,000 dunams.

Our Main produce is: potatoes, peanuts, carrots, radishes, peppers, sweet potatoes, avocado

The kibbutz has a large barn which supplies milk.

the kibbutz has orchards, chicken coops and Plantations

The kibbutz is a heritage site that tells the story of the old Isaac wells.


Facilities and amenities

A public pool
Fits religious
Couples & Families
Full board
Accommodation in a kibbutz
Shomer shabat
• No fire on Sabbath
• Kosher meals
• Synagogue
• Minimarket
• Cable/satellite TV
• Kitchenette
• Accessible
• Guest rooms
• Shower
• Fridge
• Kettle
• Towels
• private parking
• Mikvah
• Football and basketball facilities
• playground
• We speak
• English

Family Rooms
Room type: Couples and Families
Available: 20

✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples & Families
✔ A/C
חדרים משפחתיים - החדרים מתאימים לאירוח עד זוג+6 ולול לתינוק. בכל יחידה: * חדר שינה להורים עם מיטה זוגית וחדר נוסף לילדים. * טלוויזיה ומזגן בכל חדר. * wifi חינם. * סלון. * מטבחון מאובזר הכולל מקרר קטן,פינת קפה ומייחם לשבת. * פינת אוכל.
Studio Apartments
Room type: Couples and Families
Available: 20

✔ Cable/satellite TV
✔ Couples only
✔ A/C
דירות סטודיו - חדרים זוגיים המתאימים לאירוח עד זוג+ילד ולול תינוק. בכל חדר: * מיטה זוגית. * כורסא נפתחת. * טלוויזיה. * wifi חינם. * מיזוג אוויר. * מטבחון מאובזר הכולל מקרר קטן,פינת קפה ומייחם לשבת.

In & Around
"קומונה" - וילה משפחתית
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חדר האוכל
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פעילויות במקום
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Room Name Weekdays Weekend
Family Rooms

Studio Apartments

Room Name Weekdays Weekend
Family Rooms

Studio Apartments


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המקום הכי מדהים בעולם!
star star star star star
עלומים זה הקיבוץ הכי מדהים כיפי מעניין נקי ואוירה פשוט מושלמת בשביל לנפוש! היינו שם 10 פעמים ונחזור עוד ועוד, אין שום מקום בארץ שמשתווה!
רבקה, 28/6/2023
All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Things to do nearby
Frequently Asked Questions about Kibbutz Alumim BBs
Yes, there is a synagogue nearby.
Restaurants and cafes can be found at gas stations and nearby towns, a short drive away. To view the list of restaurants and cafes in the area, please click here.
Yes, read the verified reviews of previous visitors in the B&B.
Within a short drive of the B&B you will find a variety of attractions, trek routes and hiking and car trails. To view the list of attractions in the area, please click here.
Information changes from time to time. To view available rooms for the coming weekend, including prices and benefits, please check the availability of the rooms now.
Prices vary depending on the season, room type and number of guests. For the full price list and exact prices for you, please view the room price list.
There is free Wi-Fi for our guests.