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Zippori Bed & Breakfast

About Us
In a nutshell


Each house is built to the highest standards and designed to provide our guests with privacy, quiet and luxury. All are equipped with air conditioning, Jaccuzzis, fireplaces, TV, VCR and a fully equipped kitchenette (Kosher halavi only), including a fridge, microwave, hotplate, kettle, coffee + tea.

  • Zippori Village - Country cottages in the Galilee

Zippori Village is located on a hillside facing Zippori National Park
with a breathtaking view of the Bet Netofa Valley.

Each house is ranked "A" By the Israel Ministry of Tourism and designed to provide our guests with privacy, quiet and luxury. All are equipped with air conditioning, Jaccuzzis, fireplaces, TV, and a fully equipped kitchenette (Kosher halavi only), including a fridge, microwave, hotplate, kettle, coffee + tea. Wireless internet access is available form each cabin.

The houses are spacious, with the main bedroom downstairs
and a large sleeping loft for the children upstairs. The rustic wooden furnishings are hand-crafted and in keeping with the ancient traditions of Zippori, all the floors are inlaid with hand-made mosaics.

The houses are surrounded by a large grassy lawn and a pond in the central square. There is also a picnic area, including a barbecue,
and an outdoor ping pong table.

Zippori National park is where the "Mona Lisa of the Galilee" and the Ancient Synagogue await you. Hiking trails lead to numerous ancient caves and other remains of over 2000 years of continous inhabitation on this hillside.

The natural wonders include the waters of Zippori springs, oak and pine forests, fields of wildflowers and a view that stretches from the Carmel to Mount Hermon.

Moshav Zippori also offers horseback riding, a sheep farm and dairy, the aqua-plant farm and a parrot farm. There is a grocery store located nearby on the Moshav, as well as a gift store, a boutique for natural cosmetics and a mosaic-making workshop.
Massages and beauty treatments are available at the Zippori Country Spa.

The cottages are also suitable for observant families with Shabbat services held at the synagogue of Hoshaya, a 30-minute walk.


Facilities and amenities

Cable/satellite TV
Equipped Kitchen
• Minimarket
• Seating areas in the yard
• Couples & Families
• Kitchenette
• Barbecue facility
• Guest rooms
• Shower
• Bed and Breakfast
• One room unit
• sitting area (living room)
• dining room
• Terrace
• Central A/C
• Fridge
• Microwave
• Stove
• Kitchen tools
• Private toilet
• Towels
• Fireplace
• Fruit basket
• playground
• Garden and lawns
• Cash only
• Rich breakfast
• We speak
• English
• Coupons


Ranking and Special Sales

The following does not apply on holidays


  • Special price for students & soldiers
Room Name Weekdays Weekend

Room Name Weekdays Weekend


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הוילה בכפר ציפורי
star star star star star
מומלץ בחום . מקום מקסים לאנשים שהטבע מדבר אל ליבם, רואים שכל פינה מושקעת בעבודת יד.הנוף נפלא ואפילו ירד שלג אשר הוסיף לחוויה.
משפחת הבר, 15/1/2015
star star star star star
במזן המלחמה הגענו שתי משפחות מאשדוד לכפר ציפורי, לאירוח של מיטש וסוזי. אחרי האזעקות הבלתי פוסקות, הרגשנו כמו בגן עדן: נופים יפים, המון אטרקציות באזור, יין מעולה מיקב ביתי, גבינות טעימות ממחלבה ממול, ומה שהכי חשוב שהילדים נרגעו ונהנו. תודה אישית למיטש על יחס חם, על ההנחה נדיבה לתושבי דרום ועל קבלה ללא התחייבות על מועד יציאה. אנחנו ממליצים בחום על המקום הזה. מקווים לחזור בזמנים שקטים.
לב מייזלס, 24/11/2012
All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Things to do nearby
Frequently Asked Questions about Zippori Bed & Breakfast
Yes, there is a synagogue nearby.
Restaurants and cafes can be found at gas stations and nearby towns, a short drive away. To view the list of restaurants and cafes in the area, please click here.
Yes, read the verified reviews of previous visitors in the B&B.
Within a short drive of the B&B you will find a variety of attractions, trek routes and hiking and car trails. To view the list of attractions in the area, please click here.
Information changes from time to time. To view available rooms for the coming weekend, including prices and benefits, please check the availability of the rooms now.
Prices vary depending on the season, room type and number of guests. For the full price list and exact prices for you, please view the room price list.
There is free Wi-Fi for our guests.