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Gan Eden Bakarmel BB

About Us
In a nutshell

Available units: 20
Type of units: Couples and Families
Keywords: For families , For couples , Druze B&B , Romantic rooms , Pet Accepted , Dayuse , Easy access for disabled , Hostel , Gay friendly , Swimming Pool

“Gan Eden Bakarmel” is situated on the Shokef hills surrounded by the trees of the forest.
The guest house overlooks the Shokef Wadi and Kibbutz Beit Oren with a spectacular mountain view.

In this mountain atmosphere and between the trees of the forest are these new 10 guest units, all luxurious and furnished to the highest standard. The rooms are equipped with the best country furniture and are stylishly designed with a Middle Eastern style seating area, dining room, cable television, air conditioning, Jacuzzi and more.



גן עדן בכרמל

צימרים בדאלית אל כרמל – הרי הכרמל


Gan Eden Bakarmel BB


Guest house accommodation at Daliyat Al-Karmel – Mount Carmel


Gan Eden Bakarmel


“Gan Eden Bakarmel” is situated on the Shokef hills surrounded by the trees of the forest.

The guest house overlooks the Shokef Wadi and Kibbutz Beit Oren with a spectacular mountain view.


In this mountain atmosphere and between the trees of the forest are these new 10 guest units, all luxurious and furnished to the highest standard. The rooms are equipped with the best country furniture and are stylishly designed with a Middle Eastern style seating area, dining room, cable television, air conditioning, Jacuzzi and more.

The guest house is very close by to the many attractions in the area for the whole family.

There are guided tours with instructions and stories about the Druze culture and traditions.

For advice and recommendations for the many tours and sites you may check with our reception office.


The Guest Rooms

There are 10 new and luxurious guest units facing the beautiful view of the hills. There are units for couples and families with the option of separate rooms for parents and children.


Services and amenities in the guest room:

  • A double bed
  • Sofa
  • Table and chairs
  • LCD television with cable
  • Jacuzzi



Additional luxuries:


The Dining room:

We can offer guests authentic Druze meals for lunch and dinner (by advance booking).

The dining room is fully equipped with a microwave, a large refrigerator and more. Guests may use these utensils to cook for themselves.


The Eastern Room:

This is a Middle Eastern style room with low seating, a television, special lighting, hookah’s and many more surprises.


In the courtyard:

The courtyard has a lovely green garden with a barbeque area, hammocks and a outdoor Jacuzzi.


Pets are not allowed at the guest house.







The Daliyat Al-Karmel Village

Daliyat Al-Karmel is a Druze settlement on the slopes of Mount Carmel with its unique and different character. The village is very colorful, very welcoming and interests its visitors very much.

Daliyat Al-Karmel, was established in the 17th century by the Druze community from the Lebanon Mountain.

The delightful market of Daliyat Al-Karmel operates every day and is a very good reason to visit this special place.

The main high street offers many shops and one can get spoilt for choice with the different variety of shops and stalls. In addition there are many restaurants which serve the finest and authentic Druze cooking, with the smells of the fresh Baklava, olives, pita bread and Labane (strained yoghurt).

The colorfulness, the old and the new, the village and its residents all provide a very special experience which shouldn’t be missed. In the market there are also galleries where cultural events can be held with Druze catering and accommodation.



Nearby Attractions:

  • The horse farm and riding routes
  • Routes following Prophet Elijah, The Muhakra Monastery
  • Beit Yad Levanim – Beit Oliphent (the place where Israel’s National Anthem was written).
  • The beaches of the Mediterranean Sea (only 20 minutes away).
  • Walking routes around Mount Carmel.
  • The semi Olympic swimming pool.
  • Games for children.
  • The Carmel Hai Bar nature reserve
  • The Hecht Museum at Haifa University.
  • The Bahai Gardens, Haifa.




דאלית אל כרמל – כפר דרוזי בכרמל

Daliyat Al-Karmel – Druze village in the Carmel


Daliyat Al-Karmel, also shortened to Daliya, was established in the 17th century by the Druze community from the Lebanon Mountain and was giving its local council status in 1951.

Daliya is a Druze settlement on the hills of the Carmel and has its own unique and colorful character, the village community enjoys the many visitors who visit daily. The delightful market of Daliyat Al-Karmel operates every day and is a very good reason to visit this special place.

The main high street offers many shops and one can get spoilt for choice with the different variety of shops and stalls. In addition there are many restaurants which serve the finest and authentic Druze cooking, with the smells of the fresh Baklava, olives, pita bread and Labane (strained yoghurt).

The colorfulness, the old and the new, the village and its residents all provide a very special experience which shouldn’t be missed. In the market there are also galleries where cultural events can be held with Druze catering and accommodation.






Facilities and amenities

Double jacuzzi in the yard
Double jacuzzi
private pool
Arab/Druze village
• Pet not allowed
• Breakfast fee
• Minimarket
• Non smoking rooms
• Seating areas in the yard
• TV
• Cable/satellite TV
• Couples & Families
• A/C
• Kitchenette
• Barbecue facility
• Guest rooms
• Bath
• Shower
• Credit card
• Two rooms
• Fridge
• Rich breakfast
• We speak
• English
• Arabic

Room type: Couples and Families
Available: 10

✔ Double jacuzzi
✔ TV
✔ Couples & Families
✔ A/C
סוויטות חדשות ומפנקות המשקיפות לנוף הררי משגע, יחידות זוגיות עם אפשרות ליצירת חדר הורים וחדר נפרד עבור הילדים. * מיטה זוגית. * ספה. * שולחן וכסאות. * טלוויזיית LCD וכבלים. * ג`קוזי מפנק.
היחידות המשפחתיות
Room type: Couples and Families
Available: 10

✔ Double jacuzzi
✔ TV
✔ Couples & Families
✔ A/C
סוויטות חדשות ומפנקות המשקיפות לנוף הררי משגע, יחידות זוגיות עם אפשרות ליצירת חדר הורים וחדר נפרד עבור הילדים. * מיטה זוגית. * ג`קוזי מפנק. * ספה. * שולחן וכסאות. * טלוויזיית LCD וכבלים.

In & Around
החצר והנוף
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ברית שחיה מחוממת
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חמאם טורקי
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Room Name Weekdays Weekend

היחידות המשפחתיות

Room Name Weekdays Weekend

היחידות המשפחתיות


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חוות הדעת שלי
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אין מטבח לבישול עצמי.זו הטעייה חמורה של הציבור, בעל המקום טוען שהטעות היא שלכם למרות שרואה את זה מפורסם באתרים שונים.

אלינור, 29/5/2023
star star star star star
מקום מעולה יחס חם אדיב ממש פינוק למשפחות זוגות ממליצים בחום
מאיר סבג, 17/4/2021
שבת בגן עדן בכרמל
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היינו בגן עדן בכרמל מקום מדהים וכל רחבת החצר נקי והבריכה נקייה. למרות שהיה קר היה בריכה מחוממת בנוסף במקום נהנינו מאוד והיא פתוחה עד שעה 19:00 ולא עד שעה 17:00 כמו בבתי מלון, וארוחת בוקר מפנקת. שירות אדיב מבעלי המקום. כל כך נהנינו שהזדמנו גם לעוד שבועיים.
קשני קשני, 20/3/2021
סוף שבוע בגן עדן בכרמל
star star star star star
בילינו 4 זוגות בסוף שבועת נהנינו מאוד. מקום שקט, נעים, מטופח ונקי, שירות אדיב.
מומלץ מאוד
מיכל חיים, 5/6/2016
אירוח בדן עדן בכרמל
star star star star star
הייתי בגן עדן בכרמל מקום מומלץ מאוד ונקי
אוכל מדהים נחזור בגדול
אמיר אמיר עווד, 18/12/2015
צימרים גן עדן בכרמל
star star star star star
היינו בסוף השבוע 19-2042013 קבוצה של 8 חדרים, המקום מקסים, נעים מאוד, מטופח ונקי, ארוחת הערב והבוקר היו מצוינות, המינוס היחידי הוא הבידוד בין החדרים, אנחנו נחזור למקום הזה
אביגיל זגורי, 25/4/2013
נופש בגן עדן בכרמל
star star star star star
מומלץ בחום.מקום נקי ומטופח.חדרים מרווחים וגדולים.שירות אדיב ואירוח מכל הלב.באנו קבוצת חברים ובכוונתינו לחזור שנית.
חדוה מרקוביץ, 20/4/2013
star star star star star
ברצוני להמליץ בחום על המקום הקסום הזה שכשמו כן הוא.בסוף ששבוע הנוכחי קיימנו איחוד משפחתי של 7 חדרים + ילדים והיה פשוט נפלא. המבנים, האוכל המעולה והשרות.ללא דופי.כל מה שכתוב באתר אכן קיים.
חנה ברטל, 22/9/2012
All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
Things to do nearby
Frequently Asked Questions about Gan Eden Bakarmel BB
Restaurants and cafes can be found at gas stations and nearby towns, a short drive away. To view the list of restaurants and cafes in the area, please click here.
Yes, read the verified reviews of previous visitors in the B&B.
Within a short drive of the B&B you will find a variety of attractions, trek routes and hiking and car trails. To view the list of attractions in the area, please click here.
Information changes from time to time. To view available rooms for the coming weekend, including prices and benefits, please check the availability of the rooms now.
Prices vary depending on the season, room type and number of guests. For the full price list and exact prices for you, please view the room price list.
There is free Wi-Fi for our guests.