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The site of the historic Pioneers' Settlement

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All the information in this page regarding the business, including prices, availability, amenities etc., is published by the business owner and the company does not hold any responsibility about its accuracy.

The pictures are for illustrative purposes only.
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Frequently Asked Questions about The site of the historic Pioneers' Settlement
As part of the "Coupon Plus" enterprise, a business owner may update his discount vouchers at any time and without prior notice. The type or breakdown of the benefit will only be the one advertised on the day the voucher is redeemed. To avoid any inconvenience, please check with the owners.
The expiration date is written on the voucher. However, according to the "Coupon Plus" policy, the amount / type of benefit will only be in accordance with what is advertised on the business page when the actual voucher is redeemed.
The hours of operation are listed on the business page and vary according to the seasons, daylight saving time and alike.
Businesses with disabled access indicate this on their page. However, it is highly recommended to verify in advance with the owners weather they supply a decent accessibility to fit your needs before placing an order.
Not every business closed on Shabbat is also a Shomer Shabbat, so it is important to check this with the owners before placing the order.
The days of activity are listed on the business page and may vary depending on the seasons.
The business page emphasizes whether the site is also suitable for children. Having said that, contact the owners in advance to verify that the place is suitable for your children's ages.